UEB Rulebook

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Divide a word between syllables even if it means that a strong contraction or a groupsign is not used.


Do not use the lower groupsign for "ea", "bb", "cc", "ff", or "gg" when the letters it represents precede the hyphen or fall at the beginning of the braille line in a word divided between braille lines. 


Do not use a final-letter groupsign at the beginning of the braille line in a word divided between braille lines.


Do not divide a shortform between braille lines. For a word which includes letters which may be represented by a shortform, retain its usual braille form as to the use of the shortform when dividing the word between braille lines.


When a hyphenated word is divided at the existing hyphen, retain the normal braille form of the word. However, if this would result in a sequence consisting only of lower signs, do not use the lower wordsign.


Do not use the alphabetic wordsign or strong wordsign as part of a word divided between braille lines even when the word it represents appears to be standing alone.


Do not use the strong groupsign for "ing" when these letters fall at the beginning of the braille line in a word divided between braille lines.


In a word divided between braille lines, use any number of lower groupsigns and lower punctuation signs following one another provided the sequence includes a sign with upper dots. For purposes of this rule, when quotation marks are present, they are considered to have only lower dots. If there is not a sign with upper dots in the sequence, do not use the final lower groupsign.


Words joined by a dash may be divided at the end of a braille line either before or after the dash.


Do not use the lower wordsign for "be", "were", "his" or "was" before or after a dash, even when separated from the dash by the end of the braille line. 

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