UEB Rulebook
This is a glossary version of the rulebook that allows for automatic hyperlinking of the rules.
Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
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10.7.9Use the initial-letter contraction for "under" except when the letters it
represents are preceded by the vowels "a" or "o" and when the
letters "un" form a prefix. | |
10.8.1Use the final-letter groupsign when the letters it represents follow a
letter, a contraction, a modified letter or a ligatured letter unless
other rules limit its use. | |
10.8.2Do not use the final-letter groupsign when the letters it represents
follow a capitals indicator or a capitals terminator. | |
10.8.3Do not use the final-letter groupsign for "ity" in the words: biscuity,
dacoity, fruity, hoity-toity and rabbity. | |
10.8.4Do not use the final-letter groupsign for "ness" when the feminine
ending "ess" is added to a word ending in "en" or "in". | |
10.9.1Use the shortform whenever the word it represents is "standing
alone", regardless of meaning or pronunciation, and regardless of
whether the word is used as an ordinary word or as a proper name. Refer to: Section 2.6, Terminology and General Rules, for the
definition of "standing alone". | |
10.9.2Use the shortform within a longer word provided that the longer word
is "standing alone” (including any affix with an apostrophe) and that
the longer word:
(a) appears on the Shortforms List given in Appendix 1; or
(b) satisfies the provisions of rule 10.9.3. Note: Rule 10.9.2 encompasses words which are ordinary words,
proper names and artificial or contrived words. | |
10.9.3Use any of the ten shortforms listed below within a longer word that
is not on the Shortforms List, provided the word is "standing alone"
(including any affix with an apostrophe) and that any restrictions for
the shortform are met.
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10.9.4Do not use a groupsign that would form part of the shortform. | |
10.9.5Use a grade 1 symbol indicator before a letters-sequence that could
be read as a shortform when "standing alone", or which occurs at the
beginning of a longer letters-sequence. | |